Cyber-Hydroponics designs, installs and services systems using the WiSA Irrigation Solutionsautomated systems.

Installations are tailored to suit and can be upgraded to accommodate additional services and farm expansion. Our real-life case study illustrates decisions made during installation.

Benefits of farm automation include:

  • SMS and email alerts
  • automatic notifictaion of most problems such as burst pipe, valve malfunctions, extreme temperatures etc.
  • optimisation of resources
  • nutrient, water and growing systems operate within set parameters to provide best growing conditions
  • logging
  • key variables are logged to assist with quality control, certification, regulatory requirements, and automated and management decision making.

Available services

Over the years the list of monitored services has continued to grow. If you want to monitor something not listed below, contact Joe.

  • nutrient monitoring, including water and nutrient top up, and water usage
  • feeding, watering and misting schedules, integrating real-time parameters such as air temperature and humidity
  • SMS and email alerts for deviations from parameters
  • enivornmental logging including air and nutrient temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity and rainfall
  • quality control logging e.g. cold room temperature, equipment logs
  • secure off-site monitoring.